Board Member and Committee Member Nomination Process
- Nomination forms are emailed out to all members in the months immediately proceeding board elections, and available anytime on our website. The deadline for nominations is annually on December 1st, but nominations are accepted throughout the year.
- Candidates are contacted by the past president to gauge interest and ability to serve.
- Candidates attend the December MNLA Board of Directors’ meeting.
- Candidate information is shared at the Annual Membership Meeting.
- Voting occurs via electronic balloting and/or mail prior to, or at, the Annual Membership Meeting.
Criteria for serving on the Board
- Candidate must be a voting member in good standing.
- Board members are permitted to miss 3 board meetings per year and one face to face meeting
- Must attend Summer Tour and annual Montana Green Expo
- For positions other than Secretary, Committee Chairs, and Member-at-Large which have 2-year commitments, candidates must be willing to make a 5-year commitment to service on the Board
Click here to download Board/Committee Nomination FormClick here for Board of Directors Job Descriptions
Please return to the MNLA office by December 1st.