Montana Nursery & Landscape Association

Promoting Your Industry - Increasing Your Voice - Growing Your Business

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Upcoming events

contact us

Montana Nursery & Landscape Association
P.O. Box 20353
Billings, MT  59104-0353                       

(Phone) 406.755.3079
(Fax) 406.633.2032

Ideas or Suggestions
We welcome hearing from our members and prospective members. You will find email links to our board members on the Board of Directors page.

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Upcoming events

    • July 15, 2025
    • 6:35 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Dehler Park, Billings, MT

    MNLA Family Fun Night at Dehler Park

    We're excited to be hosting the MNLA Family Fun Night once again! We have reserved the 329 Club at the Billings Mustangs' Dehler Park for Tuesday, July 15th, 2025. Game starts at 6:35 pm.

    All MNLA Members and the Billings Chapter attendees are invited to join us. Registration is required, and includes:

    • Tickets to the game (we will have them ready for you, so you don't have to stand in long ticketing lines the day of the game)
    • BBQ-style food (hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, chicken sandwiches, salads, fruit, Pepsi products, and bottled water)
    • Reserved seating on the 329 patio
    Register online by following the link on this page, or download the registration form and return to us.

    Family Fun Night is a great time to relax, enjoy some food and a baseball game, and introduce your families to your industry peers. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Don't forget to register by July 8th so we can have your tickets ready for you. Pick up tickets at our registration table located at the north entrance of Dehler Park. View map here.

    Thank you to our Sponsors!


    Interested in Sponsoring this Event?

    Contact Us, email, 406.755.3079, or download the sponsorship form.

    • July 24, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Bozeman, MT - facility TBD
    • 18

    Prove your plant knowledge!

    The next Certified Plant Professional (CPP) Exam will take place on Thursday, July 24th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, in Bozeman, MT.

    Eligible applicants need to apply online by following the link to register, or submit a completed application, documentation of nursery employment and the appropriate fees to the MNLA office by July 15th. Download the application form here.

    We will negotiate a discounted room block for out-of-town CPP exam registrants. Information will be linked here when available.

    The certification tests are generally given twice a year, in January at the annual Montana Green Expo and in July at the annual Summer Tour. The exam consists of a plant identification test and a written test. The exam is based on the Certification Manual and on practical information gained from employment in the industry, and on identification of the correct genus, species, common name, and cultivar (if appropriate) for each plant.

    The ID portion of the exam involves identifying 50 plant samples, and is based upon plants covered in Choosing Trees and Shrubs for Montana Landscapes, by George Evans and Alan Epps, as well as lists of Montana perennials and woody plants. These publications and lists are included in the manual. The second portion of the exam is a 200 question written exam on the principles and practices of virtually all aspects of the nursery industry. A passing grade is 75% for both parts of the exam. Bring at least two sharpened pencils to take the exam. We also recommend that you bring several sheets of scratch paper.

    Please see the Education & Certification page on our site for details on eligibility and renewal as well as a number of additional forms and how to order your CPP Manual (a highly recommended book for preparing for the exam). Manuals can be ordered by submitting an order form to the MNLA office.

    Questions? Contact us.

    • July 24, 2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • July 25, 2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • Bozeman, MT

    Summer Tour

    July 24-25, 2025

    Bozeman, MT

    Join us for a fun and interactive field trip where we tour nurseries, greenhouses, landscape sites, and other areas of interest in our host city. The Tour moves to a different city each year so we can see the best Montana has to offer! This behind-the-scenes tour gives you a look at some of the best operations and sites in the area. The Tour is a great way to see what fellow professionals are doing in the field, and take home a few tips and tricks to use yourself. There are lots of opportunities to learn from each other, rejuvenate, connect, and share new ideas during the tour.

    Come join us!

    HOW TO REGISTER:  You can register on-line by following the link on this page, by emailing your registration form to,  or by calling the office at 406-755-3079. You can also download the registration form (we will link when available) and mail it to the address listed on the form. 

    LODGING: We are negotiating a discounted room block, and will provide details when they are available.

    Want a preview of the Summer Tour events? Here's what we have planned:

    THURSDAY, July 24: Pre-tour

    Certified Plant Professional Exam:  The CPP Exam will offered on Thursday, at 8:00am. Applications for the test and order forms for the manual are available online, or by calling the MNLA office at 406.755.3079. Registration for the exam is not included in the Tour registration; if you wish to take the exam and attend Summer Tour, you will need to complete separate registration forms for each. Register online for the CPP Exam here. Registration deadline: July 15th.

    Welcome Dinner: All Tour registrants are invited to join us Thursday evening, July 24th for a welcome dinner. Dinner is included with your Tour Day registration, and is a great time to see familiar faces and connect before the hustle and bustle of tour day.

    FRIDAY, July 25: Tour Day

    Tour Day Details:  The 2025 Summer Tour will take place in and around Bozeman, MT on Friday, July 25, 2025. The Tour begins early morning, and concludes late afternoon (exact times will be announced as we draw closer to the event). Bus transportation will be provided, as well as a detailed map of tour stops for those who wish to use their own vehicle. There will be some fun games and door prizes along the way!

    Your registration includes Kick-Off Dinner the evening before the Tour, admission to all of the sites, as well as Breakfast and Lunch on tour-day.

    Where will the Summer Tour be stopping this year? We're still planning...check back soon!


    Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!


    Interested in Sponsoring the Summer Tour? We have several sponsorship opportunities available. Download the sponsorship form,  contact the MNLA office at, or call 406.755.3079 for sponsorship details.

    • August 15, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Briarwood Golf Course in Billings, MT
    • 28

    Come Golf With the MNLA Billings Chapter!

    The 12th Annual MNLA Billings Chapter Golf Scramble is being held at Briarwood Golf Course in Billings, MT on August 15th. Format is a 4-Person scramble. Shotgun start at 1:00 pm.

    This annual event draws members from all over the state, and is always a great time. Mark your calendars, and get your clubs ready for a fun day on the course. Don't worry if you've got a wicked right hook -- buy a Mulligan (or two) and use it to erase those bad shots! All Mulligan sales benefit our Scholarship Program, so swing away - those bad shots are supporting a good cause!

    There will be hole prizes, a Hole-in-One prize for those skilled (or lucky) enough to sink that hole-in-one, and prizes awarded to the top net and gross team scores (Overall winner determined by net score; 80% of team handicap will be used for net score.) Entry fee includes greens fee, golf cart, refreshments & dinner at the clubhouse following the tournament.

    Contact the MNLA office for more information, 406.755.3079, or follow the link to register. We look forward to seeing you!

    Prefer a printed registration form? We will link it here when available.

    Thank you to our Sponsors!

    Event Level Sponsors:


    Hole-in-One Sponsor:


    Beverage Sponsors:


    Hole Sponsors:


    Supporting Sponsors:


    Interested in Sponsoring the Golf Scramble?

    We have several sponsorship opportunities available. Download our sponsorship form, or contact us (, or call 406.755.3079) for more information.
    • August 21, 2025
    • 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Bridger Creek Golf Course in Bozeman, MT
    • 22

    Join us for a Golf Tournament with the Bozeman Chapter!

    We are excited to be hosting our Inaugural Bozeman Chapter Golf Scramble! The tournament will be held August 21st at Bridger Creek Golf Course in Bozeman, MT. Format is a 4-Person scramble. Shotgun start at 8:30 am.

    This event promises to be a great time. Mark your calendars, and get your clubs ready for a fun day on the course. Don't worry if you've got a wicked right hook -- buy a Mulligan (or two) and use it to erase those bad shots! All Mulligan sales benefit our Scholarship Program, so swing away - those bad shots are supporting a good cause! And your registration? It's the primary source of funding to kick off our Bozeman Chapter meetings. Join us for a fun round of golf AND help raise money for the Bozeman Chapter. It's a win-win.

    There will be flag prizes for all 18 holes, and prizes awarded to the top net and gross team scores (Overall winner determined by net score; 80% of team handicap will be used for net score.) Entry fee includes greens fee, golf cart, refreshments & lunch at the clubhouse following the tournament.

    Contact the MNLA office for more information, 406.755.3079, or follow the link to register. We look forward to seeing you!

    Prefer a paper registration form? Download it here.

    THANK YOU to our Sponsors!

    Event Level Sponsors:

    Webby Landscaping & Masonry

    Hole-in-One Sponsor:


    Beverage Sponsors:

    Hole Sponsors:


    Supporting Sponsors:


    Interested in Sponsoring the Golf Scramble?

    We have several sponsorship opportunities available. Download our sponsorship form, or contact us (, 406.755.3079) for more information.
    • September 18, 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Billings, MT

    Montana Nursery & Landscape Association

    Field Demo Day

    Join us  Thursday, September 18th, 2025   starting at   5:00 pm   for the 9th Annual Field Day.

    What IS Field Day? It's an opportunity for MNLA members to network and test out equipment, tools, and new technology. It's a fun-filled night, where you explore new products and talk to your vendors and customers while enjoying a delicious BBQ dinner (on us).

    Field Day is a great opportunity to network and catch up with industry peers. As always, you will be able to visit vendor booths to test equipment, demo mowers, see the latest irrigation equipment and more. Enjoy a BBQ Dinner, Served from 5:30 - 6:30 pm, then have a little fun testing out equipment and visiting with vendors in their outdoor booths.

    Which vendors will be there? We're planning...details to follow!


    How do you sign up?

    RSVP by following the link, or email us at:, or call 406.755.3079. This event is sponsored by the MNLA Billings Chapter; there is no cost to attend.

    Are you a vendor that wants to participate? Email us at, or call for details: 406.755.3079

    • January 06, 2026
    • 8:00 AM
    • January 08, 2026
    • 2:00 PM
    • Billings Hotel & Convention Center, 1223 Mullowney Ln., Billings, MT

    Montana Green Expo

    January 6th - 8th, 2026

    Billings, MT

    Ready to Grow Your Knowledge?

    MNLA is committed to bringing the horticulture industry together and planting the seeds for success. We are proud to offer programming that highlights best practices, explores innovative and creative business solutions, and helps you grow your business.

     We are planning a great seminar line-up for you! Mark your calendars for January 6-8, 2026. Registration will open mid-summer.

    • January 06, 2026
    • 2:00 PM
    • January 08, 2026
    • 3:00 PM
    • Billings Hotel and Convention Center, 1223 Mullowney Lane, Billings, MT 59101

    We hope the following information will help you efficiently prepare for the 2026 Montana Green Expo January 6-8, 2026, in Billings, MT.

    Booth reservations are currently being accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Follow the link to register, or contact our office with questions.

    We look forward to having you join us for this exciting annual event! For questions that are not answered here, please contact us at: 406.755.3079  or email

    Event Details Coming Soon...

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