Montana Nursery & Landscape Association

Promoting Your Industry - Increasing Your Voice - Growing Your Business

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MNLA members who get the most out of their membership are actively involved in the Association. There are no benefits greater to members than the learning and expertise gained from networking with peers. Involvement in the Association helps members become more successful in their work, and for many, more successful in life as well.

MNLA belongs to its members. And as members, they determine the Association’s priorities and direction by communicating their needs for resources, products and services to the MNLA leadership. Without that input, expertise, and time, MNLA accomplishes less. If you are not already active on an MNLA committee or project and would like to be, contact our office today to find out how you can get involved. Download the committee nomination form here.

Currently we have three active committees:

  • Education - The Education Committee provides input to the MNLA board regarding education and research projects; and they develop & maintain the association’s certification programs.

  • Legislative - The Legislative Committee monitors pertinent state regulatory and legislative activities, maintains contact with the Montana Department of Agriculture, and coordinates legislative activities as needed.

  • Awards - The Awards Committee recognizes MNLA members for outstanding work in their professions and in the association, promoting and increasing professionalism for the membership.

    Awards include:
    • Member of the Year
    • Best of Montana Landscapes, and
    • Container Planting Contest

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