Summer Tour
Join us for a fun and interactive field trip where we tour nurseries, greenhouses, landscape sites, and other areas of interest in our host city. The Tour moves to a different city each year so we can see the best Montana has to offer! This behind-the-scenes tour gives you a look at some of the best operations and sites in the area. The Tour is a great way to see what fellow professionals are doing in the field, and take home a few tips and tricks to use yourself. There are lots of opportunities to learn from each other, rejuvenate, connect, and share new ideas during the tour.
Come join us!

HOW TO REGISTER: You can register on-line by following the link on this page, by emailing your registration form to info@plantingmontana.org, or by calling the office at 406-755-3079. You can also download the registration form (we will link when available) and mail it to the address listed on the form.
LODGING: We are negotiating a discounted room block, and will provide details when they are available.
Want a preview of the Summer Tour events? Here's what we have planned:
THURSDAY, July 24: Pre-tour
Certified Plant Professional Exam: The CPP Exam will offered on Thursday, at 8:00am. Applications for the test and order forms for the manual are available online, or by calling the MNLA office at 406.755.3079. Registration for the exam is not included in the Tour registration; if you wish to take the exam and attend Summer Tour, you will need to complete separate registration forms for each. Register online for the CPP Exam here. Registration deadline: July 15th.
Welcome Dinner: All Tour registrants are invited to join us Thursday evening, July 24th for a welcome dinner. Dinner is included with your Tour Day registration, and is a great time to see familiar faces and connect before the hustle and bustle of tour day.
FRIDAY, July 25: Tour Day
Tour Day Details: The 2025 Summer Tour will take place in and around Bozeman, MT on Friday, July 25, 2025. The Tour begins early morning, and concludes late afternoon (exact times will be announced as we draw closer to the event). Bus transportation will be provided, as well as a detailed map of tour stops for those who wish to use their own vehicle. There will be some fun games and door prizes along the way!
Your registration includes Kick-Off Dinner the evening before the Tour, admission to all of the sites, as well as Breakfast and Lunch on tour-day.
Where will the Summer Tour be stopping this year? We're still planning...check back soon!
Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!
Interested in Sponsoring the Summer Tour? We have several sponsorship opportunities available. Download the sponsorship form, contact the MNLA office at info@plantingmontana.org, or call 406.755.3079 for sponsorship details.