Montana Nursery & Landscape Association

Promoting Your Industry - Increasing Your Voice - Growing Your Business

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There are several membership categories, based off of the type of business you conduct. Details on the various categories are listed below. It’s to your advantage to select the appropriate membership category for your company, as we make numerous referrals to the public and to horticultural buyers based upon your membership category and the information you supply on your membership application.

Membership Year
Memberships are for one year, beginning July 1st. Members may join at any time during the year; dues are pro-rated from July 1st when joining midway through the membership year.

AmericanHort Lighthouse Program

MNLA Members voted at the 2010 Annual Membership Meeting to have all membership dues include an optional $10 donation to the AmericanHort Lighthouse Program (formerly American Nursery and Landscape Association's (ANLA) Lighthouse Legislative Program). As a Lighthouse Program partner, MNLA receives an interactive state legislative website & direct link to AmericanHort Lighthouse's federal issues site, access to articles on key federal legislation & national horticultural industry issues, and federally-related advocacy activities within the state.  During initial membership sign-up, and at annual renewal, Active Members have the option of contributing $10.00 to AmericanHort ( for support of national and regional legislative issues and support. We collect the optional donation from members and submit to the Lighthouse Program on behalf of our membership.

Active Members – Montana firms
Firms or individual, actively engaged in the ornamental horticulture industry who holds a current Montana Nursery License, or one who is an arborist, a landscape architect, or one who is actively engaged in the landscape maintenance business. An Active Member must have his/her principal place of business within the state of Montana. Montana-based retail nursery centers, greenhouses, wholesale growers, arborists, or landscape contractors fall into this category. Dues are $275/year for first member; $135/year for each additional member or branch location

Allied Members – Firms outside Montana or those in Montana that are engaged in a field allied with ornamental horticulture
Firm or individual actively engaged in a business or profession which is allied to the ornamental horticulture industry within Montana, or any firm or individual whose principal place of business is outside the state of Montana. This category is primarily for suppliers headquartered in Montana, serving the Montana horticulture industry. It is also for greenhouse growers, landscapers, arborists, architects, etc. whose principal place of business is outside of the state of Montana, but would otherwise qualify for an Active Membership. Montana-based suppliers, who are not required to have a Montana Nursery License, and firms or individuals who are not based in Montana, fall into the Allied category. Dues are $275/year for first member, $135/year for each additional member or branch location

Associate Members – Educators, municipalities, related associations
Professor or teacher engaged in horticulture education, or any city, county, state, provincial or federal employee pursuing a career in horticulture; and any executive officer of any professional or trade association related to horticulture, or anyone not actively engaged in the horticulture industry for profit. MNLA does not make business referrals to Associate members, however, we may refer callers to Associate members when callers are seeking area resources or education contacts. For this reason, an Associate category is not a substitute for either the Active or Allied categories. Dues are $125/year

Student Members
An individual actively pursuing the full-time study of horticulture, upon the recommendation of his/her faculty advisor or two (2) current association members. MNLA does not make business referrals to members in the Student category.
Dues are $25/year

Life Members
Life Membership is honorary, by reason of outstanding service in the field of ornamental horticulture within the state of Montana, awarded by vote of the MNLA Board of Directors.
There are no dues


Important Deadlines
The deadline for Advertising and for memberships to be renewed for inclusion in the Membership Directory and Buyer's Guide is July 1.

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